
Gif - Sensation of first penetration

Sensation of first penetration


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Comentários (15)

@fricker I'm finding you a very interesting woman to know and i would love to talk/chat with you about this and many other things more privately. It's there any chance to make it happen? I promise to be a good guy!
@BadGuy haha so I’m a woman now? Not a little g!rl;) I’m sure you are a very good guy! But I like talking about fantasies on the site where everyone can see and join in. That’s a huge turn on for me isn’t it for you?
@fricker In fact, it doesn't turn me on to know that everyone can read my comments and use them against me. With that said, they're a lot of things that i'll NEVER say here but i could tell you in private or who knows in real life
where i really love to talk about and practice them. By other side, after your 2nd comment i'm not notified anymore about it. Not a good thing too! Maybe i'll see it hours, days or months later if someone comment on it and
i'm glad i didn't call you "Man" or "Little boi". Are you? You can be a man that likes to make pics of her wife/gf and post them here pretending to be her to read the comments. They're so many things happening here! ;)
I’m not a man but I guess that’s impossible to prove even in an email if you think I’m a man taking pictures of his wife but why would anybody lie about that?
Couples taking pictures of themselves do very well on here they get tons of comments no need to lie about it it’s the best thing about it you can just be yourself there’s always someone liking what you like
Maybe you have some trust issues but nobody is out here trying to get you trust me;)
You do have a point with the notifications stopping after a few comments that bugs me too
@fricker No, you're wrong once again, i just know where i am and i'm not the one with trust issues or any other kind, if i want to leave i don't need to announce it to see if someone will beg me to stay. Nobody cares. This is a sex/porn site
this isn't facebook or any other site like that where you arrive crying that less people are liking your pics and if those couples you talk about are doing so well with just a few pics of them, why you didn't so good
with probably thousands you uploaded and more being you a woman? Maybe you should fix your issues first before you trying to find the issues in the others thinking that the world it's rotating around you.
Ok getting a little aggressive here, you do this your way and I do it my way no need to be in each other’s way the site is big enough I’m sorry if I offended you I was just trying to be playful but it doesn’t seem to arrive well. I wish you well
Playful was when i asked if we could talk/chat more privately. You had 3 ways to answer; yes, no or don't answering at all and each one was perfect and i asked nothing else. I'm not offended, i just answered accordingly to
the tone of your questions and i'm not here to be the frustrations bag of nobody, i'm here to enjoy and have fun with some people. If you want to talk we can talk, if you don't want it's all fine. Wishing you well too.
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